Saturday, December 28, 2013

AUTHOR (Flynn, Gilian) BOOK TITLE: Gone Girl 
BYLINE: Ms. Bonnie Maye, ESHS Teacher 
Sucks you into the book from the first couple of paragraphs. Then you get rolling and used to the format and WHAM -- be sure to stick with it and keep going -- it gets a bit slow in the middle, but then it picks right up so set aside some time for the run through the end.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Add some books!

Your information here on a separate line. AUTHOR (last name, first name)
BOOK TITLE: Italics/quotes
BYLINE: Your First Name, Last Name and Grade level (will be edited before posting after the information is verified)

Write your review here.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Catalyst by Laurie Halse Anderson

BOOK TITLE: Catalyse
BYLINE: Ms. Maye, Teacher
Written by the same author who wrote "Speak" and "Prom" a unique look at the life of a harried high school senior who learns there is more to life than receiving a college acceptance letter. An easy read, with some characters left a bit undeveloped -- possibly for a follow up? Entertaining, quick read.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Your information here on a separate line. AUTHOR (last name, first name)
BOOK TITLE: Italics/quotes
BYLINE: Your First Name, Last Name and Grade level (will be edited before posting after the information is verified)

Write your review here. Then what category should it be in?
>Fiction- girls
>Fiction - boys

Friday, November 30, 2007


Interesting look at the future using IM and lack of thinking to the extreme. Also talks about peer pressure and how far some people will go to fit in.

Friday, October 5, 2007

ESMS Bulldog Book Talk

This is the place to post comments about new books, books you have read and give some recommendations. FOUR PAW PRINTS = Excellent down to ZERO PAWS. Be sure to explain WHY you believe the book deserves the rating and be sure to keep any twists and turns TO YOUR SELF. If you are interested in posting a review, send your post for review to

For Paws use the * symbol. So for three paws it would be ***.

FORMAT EXAMPLE:Use the Block Quote

Mackel, Kathy
"Alien in a Bottle"
by Ms. Maye


Excellent novel looking at life from a different perspective. Everything that seems upside right is now upside down and sideways. Easy read for any level - and has some information about glassblowing as well for those interested in crafts.